Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box. (can, can't, may, may not, must, mustn't) 1) It's very hot. You … water the flowers. 2) Nick … play chess very well. 3) … i go for a walk? - No, you … . Where is your homework...

Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box. (can, can't, may, may not, must, mustn't) 1) It's very hot. You … water the flowers. 2) Nick … play chess very well. 3) … i go for a walk? - No, you … . Where is your homework? 4) You … swim here. The water isn't clean. 5) Sorry, i ... help you now. 6) It's raining. I ... take my umbrella.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
It's very hot. You must water the flowers.Nick can play chess very well. Can i go for a walk?  No, you can't. Where is your homework? You can't swim here. The water isn't clean. 5) Sorry, i .can't.. help you .I can take my umbrella.
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