Дайте ответ на вопросы на английском 1. When did the Romans come to England for the first time 2. What was the origi
Дайте ответ на вопросы на английском
1. When did the Romans come to England for the first time
2. What was the original name of the British capital? And how many people lived there by year 400?
3. When did the Romans leave Britain?
4. When did William the Conqueror come to England from Normandy? Why did he build the White Tower in the Tower of London?
5. Where did the Great Fire of London start? How long did it last? How big was the part of the city destroyed by the fire?
6. What caused caused the Great Fire of London?
7. What is the official name of Great Britain now?
8. What do people mean when they say "Great Britain"?
9. What parts does Great Britain consist of and what are their capitals?
10. What do we call narrowest
art of English Channel?
11. The people who were born in Britain are English, aren't they?
12. What does the Union Jack look like and what does it symbolize?
13. What is understood by the Commonwealth? What do you know about it?
14. Who does the power in the country belong to?
15. Who makes laws in the country?
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. The Romans came to England for the first time in 55 BC, when Rome still rules Caesar.
Римляне в первый раз пришли в Англию в 55 году до нашей эры, когда Римом правил Цезарь.
2. When the Romans came to England they built a town on the bank of the River Thames and called it Londinium. By the year 400 there were about 50,000 people in Londinium.
Когда римляне пришли в Англию они построили город на берегу реки Темзы и назвал его Лондиниум. К 400 году насчитывалось около 50 000 человек в Лондиниум.
3. It happened in the 6th century AD, after the Germanic tribes of Angles, Saxons and Jutes were expelled from Britain, the ancient Romans.
Это произошло в 6-ом веке нашей эры после того как германские племена англов, саксов и ютов изгнали из Британии древних римлян.
Помогла чем смогла,больше сама хз.
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