Диалог на тему Ресторан (На Английском)

Диалог на тему Ресторан (На Английском)
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1. A: When are you going to finish your work? B: I believe in half an hour. A: And you’ll be very hungry by that time. Why not go to the Savoy and have dinner together? B: Good idea. When and where shall we meet? A: I’ll be waiting for you near the entrance at 7. B: Settled.  Nick: Is this table free? Waiter: Yes, it is. Will you dine a la carte or take the table d’hote? Nick: A la carte. What are your specials? Waiter: Our hamburgers. 4. Waiter: May I take your order, sir? Nick: Yes. I’d like to try the steak, please. Waiter: How about the sweet? Nick: No sweet thanks. Just coffee. Waiter: Leaded or unleaded? Nick: Unleaded, please. 5. Waiter: Have you chosen something, sir? Nick: Yes. Plaice for me, please.  Waiter: What would you like afterwards? Nick: I’d like ice-cream, please. 7. A: I have to make a phone call. Please order me a cup of coffee. B: Sure. What do you want in it? A: A little cream, no sugar. B: Okay. 8. Waitress: Would you like any drink? Mike: Yes, a whisky for me. What do you want, Nick? Nick: A gin and tonic, please. Mike: I want roast beef and vegetables. Nick: The same, please. Waitress: Will you have anything for dessert? Mike: I’ll have apple pie and ice-cream. Nick: A cup of black coffee for me. 9. Nick: What would you like to drink? Mary: I feel like a cup of tea. Nick: How about something to eat? Mary: Yes, I’ll try a piece of cheese cake.
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