Доклад на тему что я люблю в школе( на английском)
Доклад на тему что я люблю в школе( на английском)
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Imagine our life without school. . Without Pushkin, Lermontov, Shakespeare, modern authors... . It will be a boring life without emotion, without joy and grief, without healthy competition and cute jokes... School is the place where the imparted concepts such as friendship, love, devotion, loyalty... School is communication... Communicate with friends, because only live communication compels the soul to open... In it develop your particular circle of friends... I am very grateful to the school because within its walls I'm learning, thank the teachers who teach me many years and grateful to my parents who enrolled me in this school and given into the hands of professionals who know their business. I love our school because it often organizes various parties and events... At the gym, we don't only do sports, but also hold competitions. In the big hall we celebrate the holidays, show concerts teachers and parents. We have a wonderful teacher. They are the professionals. From them I learn a lot of interesting... And most importantly, in school, we instill the love for books... In our age of computer technology, the Internet and television people are less likely to have to apply to the book... But every book is a wonderful journey into the history of our Motherland, whose name is Russian. The book is our companion, with her we will go through life and it will never lead... ...There are a lot of different States, but our country is special. The main wealth – people - courageous, talented, hardworking and warmhearted, people, who, at the cost of millions of lives and won the war and ushered in the space relay... And I'm proud of my school because it teaches me to be worthy of such a nation are very proud of...
I study at the best school in the world. Each pupil of our lyceum thinks so. Here is an atmosphere of friendship and understanding, so I go to school with pleasure.
Firstly, each lesson in our lyceum is a mini-performance: different presentations, interesting experiments, exciting teachers’ stories and pupils’ discussions. For such lessons we should thank our teachers - the fairest, kindest, cleverest and most sociable people. Secondly, don’t think that we have only classes. Different events take place before, after and during the classes: concerts in connection with different holidays, children’s parties, sport competitions, Olympiads, contests, etc. Even during the usual break the senior students play gaily with the junior students! Each class has its own “bank account” where money is given for good affairs: for the help to the library, for good studying, for keeping the school clean….. At the end of the school year the best classes get sweets and biscuits at the smart Holiday of the School Honour.
I would also like to tell about the friendship of the children from different classes. The students of our lyceum always help each other in spite of their age difference. If you lose something, you should tell about it to the Council of Senior students and your lost thing will be found without doubt, because only honest and responsible students study at our school. One day I was convinced in it myself. A girl from the fifth was sitting on the bench and crying. A group of senior students ran up to her and began to calm the girl tenderly and even gave her a cake. Later the teachers phrased these students.
If you look at my school, you can think: “A typical school! There are millions of such schools everywhere.” No, my school is the best in the world and it has a proud name – Lyceum!
Я учусь в самой лучшей школе в мире! Так думает каждый ученик нашего Лицея. Здесь царит атмосфера дружбы и взаимопонимания, поэтому в школу я хожу с удовольствием.
Во-первых, каждый урок в Лицее – это мини-представление: различные электронные презентации, интересные опыты, захватывающие рассказы учителей и дискуссии учеников. За такие занимательные уроки надо сказать спасибо нашим учителям, самым справедливым, добрым, умным и общительным людям. Во-вторых, не думайте, что мы живем только уроками! До, и после, и во время школы проводятся различные мероприятия: концерты по случаю какого-нибудь праздника, детские утренники, спортивные соревнования, олимпиады, конкурсы и т.д. Даже на обычной перемене старшеклассники весело играют с малышами! В конце года на шикарном празднике чести школы лучшим классам дают конфеты и печенье.
Очень хочется рассказать о дружбе ребят из разных классов. Независимо от возраста, лицеисты всегда помогают друг другу. Допустим, если ты что-то потерял, стоит лишь сообщить об этом в совет старшеклассников и потеря обязательно найдется, потому что в нашей школе учатся только честные и ответственные ребята. Однажды, я и сама в этом убедилась. Какая-то пятиклассница сидела на скамейке и плакала. К ней сразу же подбежала группа старшеклассников и начали ее ласково успокаивать, даже подарили ей пирожное! А потом, этих ребят похвалили учителя.
Если не вглядываться, то можно подумать: «Обычная школа, таких миллионы». Нет! Она – лучшая в мире и носит гордое имя Лицей!
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