Ex. 5. Translate into Russian. Pay attention to the verbal tenses. f) 1. The earth goes round the sun. 2. In Britain most of the shops close at 5.30 p.m. 3. In summer Tom usually plays tennis twice a week. 4. In the morning Mr...

Ex. 5. Translate into Russian. Pay attention to the verbal tenses. f) 1. The earth goes round the sun. 2. In Britain most of the shops close at 5.30 p.m. 3. In summer Tom usually plays tennis twice a week. 4. In the morning Mr. Smith wakes up, washes, dresses, has his breakfast, takes his children to school and goes to work. 5. «What do you usually do in the summer? Do you go anywhere?» - «Oh, yes. We don’t go to the same place twice, though. We like to see different countries». 6. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. g) 1. The water is boiling . Can you turn it off? 2. Let’s go out. It isn’t raining now. 3. Hurry up! Everybody is waiting for you. 4. Look at the river! It is flowing very fast today – much faster then usual. h) 1. I haven’t seen you for ages! 2. She hasn’t visited me since she was nine. But she hasn’t forgotten me. 3. «Sorry, I’ve left my book at home». – «OK. Who else has left his or her books?» i) 1. After the guests had gone, Liz sank into an armchair and drew a long breath. 2. I was at the party but I didn’t talk to Tom. When I came he had just left. 3. When he had written and sent the letter he felt better. 4. He told me that he had almost finished translating the text. 5. We had reached the village by 5 o’clock. j) I’ll come tomorrow night. 2. Ted will never forgive you, I’m sure. 3. It will be cold this winter. 4. Will you be back soon? 5. Who will win in the today’s match, what do you think? 6. I will take part in the play. 7. I suppose we’ll never see him again. Ex. 6. Fill in the proper article. c) … Australia is … interesting country. Australians are very friendly, happy people. Some of … strangest animals in … world live there. In … Great Victoria Desert you can find … kangaroos and … koala bears. … most famous city in Australia is … Sydney. d) Last year … Smiths went on holiday to … London with their friends … Browns. They visited … Hyde park and went on … boat trip on … Thames. … Mrs. Brown visited … Buckingham Palace hoping to see … Queen. Unfortunately, … Queen Elizabeth II wasn’t at … home at the time.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. земля вертится вокруг солнца. 2. в британии большинство магазинов закрывпются в 5.30 вечера. 3. летом том обычно играет в теннис дважды в неделю. 4. утром мистер смит просвпается, умывается, адевпется, завтракает, отводит детей в школу и идет на работу. 5. что ты обвчно делаешь летом, ты куда-нибудь ездишь?- о да. зотя дважды в одно и тоже место мы не ездим. нам нравится посешать разные страны. 6. вода кипит при температуое 100 град по цельсию. g. 1. вода кипит. выключи ее пжлст.2. пошли на улицу. дождь уже нет. 3. поторопись! все тебя ждут. 4. посмотри на реку. сегодня она течет очень быстро- быстрее чем обычно . h. 1я давно тебя не видел. 2. она не навещала меня с тех пор как ей было 9 лет. но она не забыла меня. 3. звините, я остпвил книгу дома- хорошо. а кто еще оставил свою книгу дома? упр. слишком большое. у меня уде нет времени перевести дальше.)))))
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