Ex. 54. Complete the story. Use the Past Simple of each verb. George Washington was the first president of the United States. He (to live) … in a beautiful home in Virginia. His mother (to have) … a special garden with a beauti...

Ex. 54. Complete the story. Use the Past Simple of each verb. George Washington was the first president of the United States. He (to live) … in a beautiful home in Virginia. His mother (to have) … a special garden with a beautiful little cherry tree. Everyone (to love) … that cherry tree. One day George (to get) … a hatchet as a present. He (to decide) … to try the hatchet. He (to go) … to the cherry tree and (to chop) … it down. As soon as he (to see) … the tree on the ground, he (to feel) … terrible. He (to walk) ... sadly back to the house and (to go) … to his room. He (to play, not) … that afternoon. He (to eat, not) … that evening. That night George’s father said, “Someone (to chop) … down our cherry tree.” George (to decide) … to tell his father. He (to walk) … toward his father and said, “I (to do) … it. I (to chop) … it down with my new hatchet. I cannot tell a lie.” “Thank you for telling the truth,” his father (to say) … .
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It’s break time. Break time is from 8:00 to 8:15 every night.Some students are in the cafeteria. Kim is calling her son, Jason.He’s home alone tonight. She’s asking him, “Is everything allright?” Michael and David are sitting at the table and talking aboutbaseball, their favorite sport.Some students are in the ladies’ room. Olga is washing herhands. Ellen and Susan are combing their hair. Ellen is saying toSusan, “Your new hair style is beautiful.”Some students are in the classroom. Teresa and Patty are doingtheir homework together.Teresa is helping Patty with some new work. Mary and Ann aresitting and talking. Mary is putting on her lipstick, and Ann isfiling her nails. Her nails are very long. Every night they are dif-ferent color. Ali and Harry are standing at the desk. Ali is shar-pening his pencil. Harry is trying to fix his tape recorder. It isn’tworking. Ali is saying, “Maybe the batteries are dead
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