Ex. 9 Fill in the gaps using SIMPLE PAST or PRESENT PERFECT. I ___________________________ (HAVE) my job for two years. ___________________________ (YOU/GO) to Los Angeles last summer? She ___________________________ (LIVE) in ...

Ex. 9 Fill in the gaps using SIMPLE PAST or PRESENT PERFECT. I ___________________________ (HAVE) my job for two years. ___________________________ (YOU/GO) to Los Angeles last summer? She ___________________________ (LIVE) in Rome for three years. ___________________________ (YOU/EVER/BE) to China? I ___________________________ (PLAY) tennis yesterday. Tim ___________________________ (BREAK) his leg last year. How long ___________________________ (DAVID/BE) interested in cinema? They ___________________________ (GO) to New York in 1990. She ___________________________ (NOT/PLAY) tennis last Sunday. ___________________________ (YOU/GO) to the cinema last night? ___________________________ (SHE/EVER/BE) to Australia? We ___________________________ (GO) to Canada last summer. She ___________________________ (JUST/TIDY) her room. We ___________________________ (NOT/EAT) yet. Bob ___________________________ (STUDY) French two years ago.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1)I have had my job for two years. 2)Did you go to Los Angelas last summer? 3)she have been living in Rome for three years.
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