♥EXTRA EXERCISES♥[1] Complete the conversations. 1) Peter has broken his leg.A: That's crazy! B: That's nice! C: That's terrible! 2) My dog can understand every word I say.A: That's awful!B: That's amazing! C: That's sad!3) Thi...

♥EXTRA EXERCISES♥ [1] Complete the conversations. 1) Peter has broken his leg. A: That's crazy! B: That's nice! C: That's terrible! 2) My dog can understand every word I say. A: That's awful! B: That's amazing! C: That's sad! 3) This coat cost €350. A: That's nice! B: That's expensive! C: That's difficult! 4) I studied all night and didn't go to bed until five o'clock. A: That's crazy! B: That's fantastic! C: That's funny! 5) My parents came to my school and sat next to my in class. A: That's irritating! B: That's embarrassing! C: That's amazing! ♥THANK YOU♥ Пожалуйста помогите если знайте. Мне надо правильный ответ. Ато отмечу нарушением.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1)c 2)B 3)B 4)A 5)B Вототвеьики
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