Form a word that fits in the blank space from the word in brackets. Fill in the gaps. A. 1. I think these were really … (exiting*) holidays. 2. During my stay in Spain I was treated with great … (politeness*). 3. My host famil...

Form a word that fits in the blank space from the word in brackets. Fill in the gaps. A. 1. I think these were really … (exiting*) holidays. 2. During my stay in Spain I was treated with great … (politeness*). 3. My host family was very … (friendly). 4. My friend was so … (confident). It was hard to believe it was her first week in Spain. 5. I’m sure I’ll get a letter from my new friend soon. I should be just more … (patient). 6. I must write to my host family to thank them for their … (hospitality). B. 1. Some adults admit that teenagers have a great deal of … (independent) today. 2. Schools, the media and young people themselves place a lot of … (important) on being independent. 3. The most … (popularity) topics for discussion are: part-time job, parents’ … (react) to boyfriends or girlfriends and … (violent). 4. Most British parents say that they would like to … (protection) their children until they reach 16. 5. A lot of adults … (complaint) about teenage … (aggressive) and cruelty. 6. Schools and the media should give more … (inform) about the danger of alcohol … (addict). C. 1. In the USA Social Security is limited mainly to the provision of pensions and Medicare for the … (retire) and elderly. 2. Social Security system is financed through a tax which is paid by employees and their employers during the years of … (employ). 3. The self-employed, who also pay into the system, … (provision) with benefits as well. 4. When … (work) retire at the age of sixty-five, they are entitled to pensions. 5. To those who retire at the age of sixty-two or sixty-four, … (reduce) pensions are available. 6. … (pension) are also paid to non-working widows or widowers. 7. Unemployment … (insure) is financed through taxes paid by the employer.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. I think these were really exiting holidays. 2. During my stay in Spain I was treated with great politeness. 3. My host family was very friendly. 4. My friend was so confident. It was hard to believe it was her first week in Spain. 5. I’m sure I’ll get a letter from my new friend soon. I should be just more patient. 6. I must write to my host family to thank them for their hospitality. 1. Some adults admit that teenagers have a great deal of independence today. 2. Schools, the media and young people themselves place a lot of importance on being independent. 3. The most popular topics for discussion are: part-time job, parents’ reaction to boyfriends or girlfriends and violence. 4. Most British parents say that they would like to protect their children until they reach 16. 5. A lot of adults complain about teenage aggressiveness and cruelty. 6. Schools and the media should give more information about the danger of alcohol addiction. 1. In the USA Social Security is limited mainly to the provision of pensions and Medicare for the retired and elderly. 2. Social Security system is financed through a tax which is paid by employees and their employers during the years of employment. 3. The self-employed, who also pay into the system, are provided with benefits as well. 4. When worker retire at the age of sixty-five, they are entitled to pensions. 5. To those who retire at the age of sixty-two or sixty-four, reduced pensions are available. 6. Pensions are also paid to non-working widows or widowers. 7. Unemployment insurance is financed through taxes paid by the employer.
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