Глагол поставить в нужную форму действительного или страдательного залогов: 1) The police … the driver. (to arrest) 2) The driver … . (to arrest) 3) They … two new motorways. (to open) 4) Two new motorways … recently. (to open)

Глагол поставить в нужную форму действительного или страдательного залогов: 1) The police … the driver. (to arrest) 2) The driver … . (to arrest) 3) They … two new motorways. (to open) 4) Two new motorways … recently. (to open)
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
The police have arrested the driver. The driver has been arrested. They have opened two new motorways Two new motorways have been opened recently. 
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