Глаголы в скобках поставить в нужную временную форму Past Simple или Past Continuous 1. The steam engine … (to appear) in 1763 2. I (not to go) out last night because it (to rain). 3. Mendeleev … (to create) his Periodic Table ...

Глаголы в скобках поставить в нужную временную форму Past Simple или Past Continuous 1. The steam engine … (to appear) in 1763 2. I (not to go) out last night because it (to rain). 3. Mendeleev … (to create) his Periodic Table in 1871. 4. They (to come) in when I (to have dinner) with my friend. 5. Ecological problems … (to appear) in the XX century.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1) The steam engine appeared in 1763. 2) I didn't go out last night because it was raining. 3)  Mendeleev created his Periodic Table in 1871. 4) They came in when I am having dinner with my friend.  5) Ecological problems appeared in the XX century.
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