Грамматика в английском "A" и "The" в предложениях Где пишется "A" а где "The" He met … girl at the disco. … girl was a wonderful dancer. My uncle built a new house. … house is small but rather comfortable. There is ...new dict...

Грамматика в английском "A" и "The" в предложениях Где пишется "A" а где "The" He met … girl at the disco. … girl was a wonderful dancer. My uncle built a new house. … house is small but rather comfortable. There is ...new dictionary on sale now. ..dictionary gives 200,000 words. I saw … beautiful dress in … shop, but … dress was too expensive for me to buy it. You asked me … question but I think you should know … answer yourself.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. A; THE; 2. the 3. a; the 4.a; a; the 5.a; the
a, the; The; the house; a new dictionary; the dictionary; a beautiful dress; in the shop; the dress; the question; the answer
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