I. Give the right form Robin Hood (1 - to be) apparently a fourteenth-century English hero. People of that time (2 - to sing) songs about his adventures, although the most famous stories (3 - to come) from the sixteenth centu...

I. Give the right form Robin Hood (1 - to be) apparently a fourteenth-century English hero. People of that time (2 - to sing) songs about his adventures, although the most famous stories (3 - to come) from the sixteenth century and later. In the 20th century a TV series and several films (4 - to help) to continue the legend. Robin Hood (5 - to be) a rebel and in many ways a criminal but he (6 - to be) a people's hero. The legend (7 - to say) that he (8 - to live) in the forest with his companions, his "merry men". They (9 - to rob) and (10 - to kill) representatives of authority in order to give the money to the poor. His main enemy (11 - to be) the Sheriff of Nottingham, but he also (12 - to steal) from the reach landowners and members of the church. Historical "detectives" (13 - to try) to find evidence for a real Robin Hood with little success. There (14 - to be) an outlaw of that name, but we (15 - not/to know) much about him. What is certain (16 - to be) that for people of that period and later times, Robin Hood (17 — to be) a symbol of justice. New stories about him (18 - to appear) through the centuries, and he (19 -to become) a legendary figure. ПОЖАЛУЙСТА СРОЧНО НАДО!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Robin Hood (1 - is) apparently a fourteenth-century English hero. People of that time (2 - sang) songs about his adventures, although the most famous stories (3 - came) from the sixteenth century and later. In the 20th century a TV series and several films (4 - helped) to continue the legend.   Robin Hood (5 - was) a rebel and in many ways a criminal but he (6 - was) a people's hero. The legend (7 - said) that he (8 - lived) in the forest with his companions, his "merry men". They (9 - robbed) and (10 - killed) representatives of authority in order to give the money to the poor. His main enemy (11 - was) the Sheriff of Nottingham, but he also (12 - stole) from the reach landowners and members of the church.   Historical "detectives" (13 - tried) to find evidence for a real Robin Hood with little success. There (14 - was) an outlaw of that name, but we (15 – don't know) much about him. What is certain (16 - is) that for people of that period and later times, Robin Hood (17 — was) a symbol of justice. New stories about him (18 - appeared) through the centuries, and he (19 - became) a legendary figure.
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