Make the sentences interrogative and negative. There were a lot of apricot-trees there. They had a walk round the village. She had supper very late yesterday. I am giving a party this week.
Make the sentences interrogative and negative. There were a lot of apricot-trees there. They had a walk round the village. She had supper very late yesterday. I am giving a party this week.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
?) Was there a lot of apricot-trees there?
-) There wasn't a lot of apricot-trees there.
?) Did they have a walk around the village?
-) They didn't have a walk around the village.
?) Did she have supper very late yesterday?
-) She didn't have supper very late yesterday.
?) Am I giving a party this week?
-) I am not giving a party this week.
1) Were there a lot of apricot-trees there?
There weren't a lot of apricot-trees there.
2) Did they have a walk around the village?
They didn't have a walk around the village.
3) Did she have supper very late yesterday?
She didn't have supper very late yesterday.
4) Am I giving a party this week?
I am not giving a party this week.
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