Маленький рассказ о любом из городов (Miami, London, Paris, New York) на английском языкепомогите пожалуйста)
Маленький рассказ о любом из городов (Miami, London, Paris, New York) на английском языке
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The Roman version of the origin of the name of the city many not without reason that too far-fetched. But, nevertheless, it exists. Pedigree names of the city include the name of the hero myth of the Trojan war, the name of Paris, the son of king Priam of Troy, which happened Trojan war, when he stole the fair Helen of Spartan king Menelaus. According to the version of Virgil, escaped Trojans headed by Aeneas wandered, floated аппенинский Peninsula, where and founded Rome. But how exactly relatives Paris - perpetrator Trojan battles were on the territory of France and founded the city of his name, which later became the city of Paris, there is hard to say. Not found, unfortunately, in Gaul, in his time, his Virgil, which is like «Энеидам», wrote colorful, and the main convincingly, something like «Париады» - i.e. the history of their passage Paris, and for one would substantiate the divine origin of the inhabitants of Paris from the ancient Greeks.
Such fluctuation in the origin of the names found in the history of France very often. So, for example, on the origin of Montmartre also there are two versions. One Roman - on the hill stood a temple of mercury and other Christian - hill was executed Saint Dionysius - Saint Denis, which ranked it as martyrs, and the hill of mercury into the hill of the martyrs of Mont de Mariter
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