Мне нужно небольшой рассказ про мой особый день в моей жизни

Мне нужно небольшой рассказ про мой особый день в моей жизни
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Birthday is such a special day in the life of anyone, the day when your parents, your mother gave you your life. But not all people look forward it with impatient. Some people hate their birthdays, because they think that they are getting older. Not only their face and body change, but also tastes, preferences. They can not wear some clothes, change their style. Little by little society wants them to take things seriously, that is why young people afraid of the responsibility. But there is another side of the coin, person obtains knowledge, gets mature, wiser and experienced. For most of the young people it means that their parents will give them more freedom! So, in spite of the fact that the process of growing older is natural and you can not avoid it, I can only advice you to take it easy, to enjoy every second of your life, the presence of your friends and family who come to support and cheer you. рассказ о своём дне Рождении.
я питаюсь хорошо бегаю по утрам и по вечерам хожу на тренировку и делаю зарядку по утрам не ем мучного и кондитерские изделия всё I eat a good run in the morning and in the evening I go to the gym and do exercises in the morning do not eat starchy foods and pastries all
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