Может кто-то что-то знает. Здесь надо вместо пропусков поставить слово из скобок. 1. When i was younger, i...ride a bicycle with my hands behind my back. (can't; can; could) 2. Excuse me,...help me to get these bags to my car? ...

Может кто-то что-то знает. Здесь надо вместо пропусков поставить слово из скобок. 1. When i was younger, i...ride a bicycle with my hands behind my back. (can't; can; could) 2. Excuse me,...help me to get these bags to my car? (you could; can you; must you) 3. Every child...read and write at the age of eight. (can; are able to; be able to) 4. My leg is broken and i...walk. (couldn't; can; can't) 5. She...speak English very well. (can; must; has to) 6. ...have this book please? (can i; i can; can i to) 7. ...tell me the way to the museum please? (could you to; could you; can you to) 8. I know she...speak any foreign language. (mustn't; can't; must) 9. ...come in? (i must; may i; i may) 10. He...come yesterday. (can; must; could) 11. You...talk to the strangers. (mustn't; must; have to) 12. No, you...leave the car here-this is a "no parking" zone. (mustn't; have to; must) 13. Last week we...move to a cheaper flat. (must; had; had to) 14. I ... the washing by hands because the washing machine is broken. (have to do; must do; have to) 15. We ... get up early tomorrow as the exam will start at seven in the morning. ( must; will must; will have to)
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1 can 2 can you 3 can 4  cant 5 can 6 can I to have 7 could you 8 must
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