Надо вставить подходящие по смыслу слова: 1.The ugly duckling is ... because nobody likes him. 2.It is very cold and there is lots of ... . 3.The white birds are ... . 4.The new swan hides his ... under his wing. 5.The ugly duc...

Надо вставить подходящие по смыслу слова: 1.The ugly duckling is ... because nobody likes him. 2.It is very cold and there is lots of ... . 3.The white birds are ... . 4.The new swan hides his ... under his wing. 5.The ugly duckling is tired and he is ... P.S это сказка про гадкого утёнка только на английском. Ответь те быстрей пожалуйста потому что через полтора часа придёт репититор!!!!!!
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. The ugly duckling is sad and lonely because nobody likes him. 2. It is very cold and there is lots of snow. 3. The white birds are beautiful. 4. The new swan hides his head under his wing. 5. The ugly duckling is tired and he is hungry.
The ugly duckling is his nickname because no one likes him. .It is very cold and there is lots of snow The white birds are swans The new swan hides ugly duckling under his wing The ugly duckling is tired and he want to sleep  Гадкий утенок это его прозвище потому что его никто не любит. Очень холодно и много снега  Белые птицы это лебеди Новый лебедь скрывает гадкого утенка под свое крыло  Гадкий утенок устал и хочет спать 
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