Написать эссе на тему : "Где лучше жить в деревне или в большом городе?" (120 - 180 слов ) на английском
Написать эссе на тему : "Где лучше жить в деревне или в большом городе?"
(120 - 180 слов ) на английском
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
I would like to say it all depends on what kind of life you prefer.
pluses living in the village: Air is fresh, more closer to nature, nearby may live animals, less people, everything quiet and calm.
minuses livung in the village: some places are not easy to find a supermarket/hospital easily. the education condition is may not that good. You have to go far only if you want to obtain a better education.
in the city can be more expensive to live, its the minus, but everything is near, and thats the plus. In city is more pollution, more crowded, resulting in bad health. Thats the biggest minus in my opinion. But You can always easily find people who share the same interests with you and life can be colorful if you enjoy it that way. And its really important to me in life in the city.
In my opinion still better to live in the city, even if the village is not bad for some people much better than life in the city
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