Написать про свою любимую книгу. 6 предложений на Английском Языке. Напишите срочно
Написать про свою любимую книгу. 6 предложений на Английском Языке. Напишите срочно
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My favorite book this is "Game of Thrones". This is novel famous American George Martin's. This book have five part. I prefer read first part, it's my favorite part. It's novel about love, war. But there are a lot of murders, blood, and animals. This book very fantastic.My opinion, this book very interesting, and I hope that you will be reading this book.
Me favorite book is Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe. I like such books, because there described interesting adventures. Also I admire Robinson, because he is clever and brave. Thanks this story I know what to do in dangerous situations to survive. And, the most important thing - never gonna give you up!
I advise you to read this incredible book.
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