Написать сочинение -письмо про русский национальный костюм на английском

Написать сочинение -письмо про русский национальный костюм на английском
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Russian national costume - formed for centuries the traditional set of clothes, shoes and accessories, which has been used by Russian people in everyday and holiday items. It has notable features depending on the particular region, gender (male and female), destination (holiday, wedding and everyday) and age (children's, girl's, a married woman, an old woman). With the general similarity in the cut and receptions in Russian costume jewelry had its own peculiarities. In the north of Russian peasants wore clothes, significantly different from the peasants of the southern regions. In central Russia wore a suit similar in nature to the north, however, in some individual areas could be seen with the features of South Russian suit of clothes. A distinctive feature of Russian national costume - a large amount of clothing. Clothing union and the swing. CAP clothing worn over the head, swing was slit from top to bottom and end to end fastened to hooks or buttons. Clothing nobility - Byzantine type. In the XVII century clothes were borrowing from Poland: Polish coat, polish coat. In order to protect the national identity of the decree of August 6, 1675 steward, solicitors, the nobles of Moscow, residents and their servants were not allowed to wear clothes of a foreign sample]. The costumes of the nobility were made of expensive fabrics, with gold, silver, pearls, buttons expensive. Such clothing hereditary. Style clothing has not changed for centuries. fashion concepts did not exist. Russian national costume became less common after Peter I in 1699 forbade the wearing of national costumes for all but the farmers, monks, priests, and deacons. First Hungarian dress was introduced, and then the upper-Saxon and French, camisole and underwear - German. Women had to wear German dress. From all entering the city in the Russian dress and beard were taking a toll: 40 cents a foot and 2 rubles a horse].
Каждая нация или этническая группа имеет традиционный костюм, отражающий сильные элементы культуры. В большинстве стран, где носят национальную одежду, она пользуется популярностью не только по праздникам, но и во время приятного досуга, например, во время прогулки с друзьями после работы. Люди осознают, что народный костюм выглядит здорово, ярко и позитивно. Есть в нем что-то магическое и увлекательное. Очень важно для каждого человека знать свое происхождение, корни и многовековые традиции, так как это дает чувство защищенности и значимости. На формирование любого народного костюма, его покроя и орнаментов влияют различные факторы, такие как географическое положение, климатические условия, экономическая структура, исторические и социальные процессы и т.д. Иногда национальный костюм может подчеркнуть возраст людей, их фамильное происхождение. В России он всегда был важной составляющей национальной культуры и традиций. Национальный костюм играет особую роль в каждом регионе по праздникам и будням. По наряду можно было даже определить, откуда происходят люди. До первой половины двадцатого века национальный костюм был важной частью российского сельского населения. Люди надевали его на свадебные церемонии, на семейные торжества и по ряду других случаев. В конце концов, традиционные костюмы это просто одежда, но то, что выделяет их из обыденности это намерение группы людей выказать дань и уважение своему культурному наследию. На английском языкеNational Costume Every nation or ethnic group has its traditional costume which reflects strong elements of their culture. In most countries wearing the national dress is popular not only on holiday occasions, but also during the enjoyable leisure activities, such as outings with friends after work. People understand that folk costume looks very joyful, bright and positive. There is something magical and fascinating in it. It’s very important for each person to know the origins, roots and centuries-old traditions, as it gives a sense of security and significance. The formation of any folk costume with its cut and ornaments is influenced by various factors, such as geographical location, climatic conditions, economic structure, historical and social processes etc. Sometimes national dress can emphasize the age of people, their family background. In Russia, it has always been an important component of national culture and traditions. National costume has played a particular role in every region on casual and festive occasion. According to the outfit one could even tell where people came from. Until the first half of the twentieth century national costume had been an integral part of Russian rural population. People wore it on wedding ceremonies, family gatherings and several other occasions. Ultimately, traditional costumes are simply clothes, but what makes them to stand out is the intention to present a group of people who follow and respect their cultural heritage.
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