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The most devastating drought in the last 50 years over the humanitarian disaster for the African state of Somalia. UN officially declared famine in several parts of this Muslim country.Meanwhile, the specific financial assistance to the country have Islamic humanitarian organizations and foundations. Late last month, the situation in Somalia, they discussed in Istanbul on the 38th OIC CFM, where Kazakhstan participated as chairman. A month later, the same place in Istanbul under the chairmanship of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Yerzhan Kazykhanov held an emergency meeting of the OIC Executive Committee, whose main objective was to attract humanitarian and financial assistance from the state - members of the OIC to address the humanitarian crisis in Somalia Actually, all of these past 50 years - the years of independence from Somalia, the UK and Italy. And all these years, the majority of African states to survive on humanitarian aid to the rich countries of Europe and Asia. On the eve of a meeting "Big Eight", where the leaders of the richest countries in the world, among other issues often solved the issue of financial aid to poor countries, the then British Prime Minister Tony Blair suggested to actively assist Africa in the fight against poverty, disease and armed conflict. And then, more than seven years ago, Blair spoke of the need to involve the industrialized nations of the world to solve the ills of the African. Yet the British presidency of the G8 aid to poor Africa will be a priority. We called a huge amount of financial investments in the African theme. At the same time, Tony Blair emphasized that the share of the black continent accounts for only about one percent of foreign direct investment, that millions of people are dying of starvation and armed conflict, and tens of millions of children are unable to go to school.But all this was said in the past, today, and hunger and poverty and are calling cards of many African countries. Actually, nothing fundamentally has changed. How could it, given the fact that the level of public corruption in African countries, perhaps, is even larger and more dangerous scale than in the CIS countries. Pictures from starving and brought to extreme poverty people marauders with machine guns, the pirates from the African coast of the elections, which end in a civil war, - alas, long been accustomed to the world. Like the way it should be and the choice for the majority of countries in the African continent and there.The result of the current catastrophe in Somalia, tens of thousands of refugees who have moved across the border to neighboring countries - Kenya and Ethiopia.According to estimates of experts for field missions from Islamic funds currently in Somalia for more than three million people are threatened with starvation. Recall that the country's population is a little less than 10 million people, which means that almost a third of the population is endangered.IslamicsolidarityMeanwhile, at the Istanbul meeting in late July of this year, the parties agreed on the establishment of the OIC Humanitarian Coalition to assist Somalia and other countries in need of the Islamic world.It must be emphasized that the creation of a coalition of more than timely for the reason that the OIC is currently the only organization able to provide humanitarian assistance to Somalia directly in the country. All other charitable organizations, according to the UN, can carry out humanitarian aid only if it is accompanied by security guarantees from armed groups in this African nation. It is known that in the south of Somalia, there are armed groups "Al-Shabab" that control the passage of humanitarian goods and do not allow to be present on the territory controlled by the non-Muslim humanitarian organizations.So that the UN agencies and Western charities are forced to limit their activities to help refugees from Somalia to neighboring countries, in particular in Kenya, where the temporary refugee camps.It creates a situation in which only the OIC can really help Somalia. It OIC is playing a unique role in responding to the humanitarian crisis, as the only international organization capable of delivering food and medicine to the population throughout the state.
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