Написать тему "У врача" по плану. At the doctor’s.1. When did you go to the doctor last?2. Why did you go to the doctor?3. How did the doctor examine you?4. What did the doctor ask you to do to be healthy?5.
Написать тему "У врача" по плану. At the doctor’s.1. When did you go to the doctor last?2. Why did you go to the doctor?3. How did the doctor examine you?4. What did the doctor ask you to do to be healthy?5.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
At The Doctor.
Once I went for a walk. The weather that day was fine, but suddenly it began to rain. It begin rather cold. When I came home I felt that something was wrong with me. I had a terrible headache, a sore throat. I was sneezing and coughing. My mother understood that I had fallen ill and called a doctor. Doctor came into my room and asked how I felt. Doctor listened to my heart and lungs, took my temperature and blood pressure. Doctor examined my throat and tongue. My throat was red. My temperature was very high. And it was difficult for me to swallow and to breath. Doctor said it was flu. Doctor prescribed me some medicine. He told me to stay in bed for a few days, to drink warm milk with honey. I followed doctor's prescribtions and so, I recovered. There are some rules to keep fit and healthy. We should eat healthy food, go in for sport and keep to a diet. Also we shouldn't smoke. Good health is a bow wealth!
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