Написать утвердительное, вопросительное, отрицательное предложение во времени Past Continuos Passive утверд. (they/ asked/ a lot of guestions/ at the conference) вопросит. ( she/service/ in the morning) отриц. (i/ not/ drive/ ...
Написать утвердительное, вопросительное, отрицательное предложение во времени Past Continuos Passive
утверд. (they/ asked/ a lot of guestions/ at the conference)
вопросит. ( she/service/ in the morning)
отриц. (i/ not/ drive/ through the park)
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
They were being asked a lot of questions at the conference.
Was she being serviced((?) может served? )in the morning?
I was not being driven through the park/
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