Напиши отрицание с тем словом, которое в скобках. Не забыть про вспомогательный глагол. Ex.: We like to dance. (to sing) We don't like to sing. 1. I like to watch the monkeys. (to watch the snakes) 2. My friends likes to water ...
Напиши отрицание с тем словом, которое в скобках.
Не забыть про вспомогательный глагол.
Ex.: We like to dance. (to sing) We don't like to sing.
1. I like to watch the monkeys. (to watch the snakes)
2. My friends likes to water flowers in the garden. (to dig the ground)
3. Cliff likes to play the piano. (to play the accordion)
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. I don't like to watch the snakes.
2. My friends don't like to dig the ground.
3. Cliff doesn't like to play the accordion.
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