Напишите следующие предложения во множественном числе: 1) This is a manager. 2) This is a black desk. 3) That is a beautiful woman. 4) Where is the secretary? 5) «Is this letter on the desk?» – «No, it is on the floor». 6) «Who...

Напишите следующие предложения во множественном числе: 1) This is a manager. 2) This is a black desk. 3) That is a beautiful woman. 4) Where is the secretary? 5) «Is this letter on the desk?» – «No, it is on the floor». 6) «Whose file is this?» – «This is our file». 7) That is his office. 8) Whose offer is this? 9) This is a nice green carpet. 10) «Where is the contract from GML?» – «It is on your desk». простите если уже было, нету времени искать. отправьте ссылку если уже есть ответ. спасибо
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1 these are managers 2 these areblack desks 3 those are beautiful women 4 Where are the secretaries  5) «are these letters on the desk?» – «No, they are on the floor». 6) «Whose files are these?» – «These are our files». 7) Those are his offices 8) Whose offers are these? 9) These are nice green carpets 10) «Where are the contracts from GML?» – «They are on your desks».
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