Очень прошу проверить грамматику в тексте. Спасибо заранее. Conan Doyle is British writer, former

Очень прошу проверить грамматику в тексте. Спасибо заранее. Conan Doyle is British writer, formerphysician, author of numerous adventure was born in Britain. Conan Doyle wrote one of the most famous books in the world "Sherlok Homs" and came up with interesting characters such as Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. Agatha Christie is the writer who wrote a very famous detective stories such as Jonah and The Secret Adversary. I love to read adventure stories because I like them. Adventures you learn a lot of interesting and exciting. Traveling and going through with the book heroes. I know a lot of adventure and detective books: «Count of Monte Cristo», «Сaptain Nemo», «Three Musketeers», «Mousetrap». My favourite book is Sherlock Homs. The creator of this book is Agatha Christie, this is a very popular writer.
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