Переведите из прямой речи в косвенную 1. Mother says: "Take on your coat." 2.Nick said : "We play basketball in

Переведите из прямой речи в косвенную 1. Mother says: "Take on your coat." 2.Nick said : "We play basketball inthe gym." 3. Poll asks : "Are you glad to receive this letter?" 4.Poll asked :" Is your mam a doctor?" 5.Father said :" Wash your hands immediately!" 6. Sam asked :"Where did you go?" 7.Gfanny asks:"What are you doing?" 8 Ann said :"I can play piano." 9. The dost or asks :"Are you coughing badly?" 10. The doctor said :"You have a bad cough."
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. Mother says to take on my coat. 2.Nick said that they played basketball in the gym. 3. Poll asks if I am glad to receive this letter. 4.Poll asked if my mam was a doctor. 5.Father said to wash my hands immediately. 6. Sam asked where I went . 7.Gfanny asks what I am doing . 8 Ann said that she could play piano. 9. The doctor asks if I am coughing badly . 10. The doctor said that I had a bad cough.
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