Переведите на англ?!плизз очень надо..

Переведите на англ?!плизз очень надо..-Как ты лето провел?
-отлично!Ездил на озеро,ходил на рыбалку!А ты?
-Я ездил к бабушке в деревню!
-А где живет твоя бабушка?
-В Вологде!
-Тебе понравились твои каникулы?
-Конечно!А тебе?
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
-How has you spend summer?? -Great!Went on lake, went on fishing!And you? -I went to grandmother in village! -And where lives your grandmother? -In Vologda! -You liked your vacation? -Certainly!And you? -Too!
-How did you spend summer -Excellent. I went to the lake and fishing. And you -I went to willage to visit my grammy -Where does your grammy live -In Vologda -Did you enjoy your weekend -Of course.And you -Yes На сколько не забыла английский, по моему так, не обесудь, если что-то не правильно!
-How did you spent the summer? -excellent! I went to the lake, go fishing! "And you? -I went to my grandmother in the village! A live where your grandmother? -In Vologda! -Did you enjoy your vacation? -Of course! "And you? -The same!
Зайди в онлай переводчик там и переведи...
- Wassap! Niggar! - Wera you was? - I was a pussyboy in jail. - I said you: dont post Child porn in 4chan. - Yes. I understend. Du you want to blow? - No. My Chick waits me at home. - Ok. Sacker. - Screw you!
-As you summer has conducted? -fine!Went on lake,went on fishing!But you? -I went to grandmother in village! -But where lives your grandmother? -In Vologde! -You liked твои vacation? -Certainly!But you? -Too!
How you have lead summer? -was excellent! Went on lake, went on fishing! And you? -th went to the grandmother in village! Where there lives your grandmother? In Vologda! -you liked your vacation? -certainly! And you? -too!
на мэйле заходишь в почту потом написать писмо и там будет транслит, выбирай язык и переводи
- How you have spent summer? - Perfectly! Went on lake, went on fishing! And you? - TH went to the grandmother in village! - Where there lives your grandmother? - In Vologda! - You liked your vacation? - Certainly! And you? - Too!
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