Перевелите пож. The Barkers’ Holidays A. Their life on the farm was interesting. They often played games with their friends. There were a lot of animals on the farm — horses, cows, sheep and goats. The ...
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The Barkers’ Holidays
Their life on the farm was interesting. They often played
games with their friends. There were a lot of animals on
the farm — horses, cows, sheep and goats.
The children helped their grandparents with the ani-
mals. They watered granny’s flowers in the garden too.
In August John and Sally were in York.
They were there with their parents. They
all liked York with its green streets and
old beautiful houses. They stayed
at a ho-
tel and liked it very much. The food was
good, the rooms were comfortable, the people
were nice.
The Barkers’ holidays were wonderful.
In summer the Barkers travelled a lot. In July John and
Sally were in Scotland. They stayed with their grandparents
on the farm. The children travelled to Scotland by train.
The weather was wonderful. It was sunny and very warm.
John and Sally enjoyed the food on the train.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Каникулы Баркерс А. Жизнь на ферме была интересная. Они часто играли игры со своими друзьями. На ферме было много животных: лошадей , коров , овец и коз . Дети помогали бабушке и дедушке с животными . Так же они поливали цветы в бабушкином саду. B. В августе Джон и Салли были в Нью Йорке . Там они были со своими родителями . Oни любили Нью Йорк с его зелеными улицами и старыми красивыми домами. . Они остановились в отеле и это им очень понравилось . Еда была хорошая, номера были удобными, люди были хороши . Каникулы Брэйкерсов были замечательны . C. ЛеЛетоБрэйкерсы много путешествовал . В июле Джон и Салли были в Шотландии . Они остались со своими бабушкой и дедушкой на ферме. Дети отправились в Шотландию на поезде . Погода была чудесная . Было солнечно и очень тепло. Джон и Салли наслаждались едой в поезде.
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