Перевести на английский. Спасибо Мой вчерашний день Я встал в 7:30 и пошел в ванную, чтобы почистить зубы. После я съел мой завтрак и начал собирать рюкзак в школу. Затем я оделся и вышел из дома в 7.20. Я пошел в школу. Мои ур...
Перевести на английский. Спасибо
Мой вчерашний день
Я встал в 7:30 и пошел в ванную, чтобы почистить зубы. После я съел мой завтрак и начал собирать рюкзак в школу. Затем я оделся и вышел из дома в 7.20. Я пошел в школу. Мои уроки начались в 8:30, но я опоздал, потому что я задержался в раздевалки. У меня было шесть уроков, они закончились в 14:00. Дома я пообедал и сел делать уроки. В шесть часов вечера я и мои родители ужинали и рассказывали разные историй, которые случились с нами за день. После ужина я посмотрел телевизор и лег спать.
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My last day
I got up at 7:30 and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. After I ate my breakfast and started to collect a backpack to school. Then I got dressed and left the house at 7.20. I went to school. My lessons began at 8:30, but I was too late, because I stayed in the locker room. I had six lessons, they ended at 14:00. At home, I had lunch and sat down to do their homework. At six o'clock in the evening I had dinner and my parents and told different stories that happened to us during the day. After dinner, I watched TV and went to bed.
My last day
I got up at 7:30 and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. After I ate my breakfast and started to collect a backpack to school. Then I got dressed and left the house at 7.20. I went to school. My lessons began at 8:30, but I was too late, because I stayed in the locker room. I had six lessons, they ended at 14:00. At home, I had lunch and sat down to do their homework. At six o'clock in the evening I had dinner and my parents and told different stories that happened to us during the day. After dinner, I watched TV and went to bed.
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