Перевести на английский язык (без переводчика) Чарли Чаплин-английский и американский киноактер и кинорежисер.Признаный одним из лучших комиков в кино, трижды награжден премией "Оскар". Чарли Чаплин родился 16 апреля 1889. в Ло...

Перевести на английский язык (без переводчика) Чарли Чаплин-английский и американский киноактер и кинорежисер.Признаный одним из лучших комиков в кино, трижды награжден премией "Оскар". Чарли Чаплин родился 16 апреля 1889. в Лондони.Чарли впервые выступил на сцене в 1894 в возрасте пяти лет.В 1898 вступает в танцевальной группы, а весной 1901 р.покидает её.Чарли редко посещает школу, работает продавцом газет, помощником врача, в типографии . В 1903 г. он получает постоянную работу в театре и роль в пьесе «Шерлок Холмс» .В 1908 получил место актера в труппе Карно.У 1910-1912 гг. Заключает контракт с "Кистоун Филм" .В 1919 основывает студию.У 1921г. путешествует Европою.Славу Чаплину принесло немое кино.В 1952г. создает фильм "Огни рампы" .В 1954 награжден Международной премией мира.В 1972г. получил почетного "Оскара" .Умер 25 декабря 1977 в Веве.
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Charlie Chaplin-British and American actor and movie Director.Recognized as one of the best comedians in the movies, three times awarded the "Oscar". Charlie Chaplin was born April 16, 1889. was in Londoni.Charlie first came on the scene in 1894 at the age of five.In 1898 comes into the dance group, and in the spring of 1901 R. leaves her.Charlie rarely attends school, works as a seller of Newspapers, a physician assistant, in typography . In 1903, he gets a permanent job at the theatre and the role in the play "Sherlock Holmes" .In 1908 he received the place of an actor in the troupe Carnot.In 1910-1912 Enters into a contract with "the keystone of the Film."In 1919 he founded the Studio.In 1921. travels Europe.The glory to Chaplin was brought a silent movie.In 1952. creates the film "limelight" .In 1954 he was awarded the International peace prize.In 1972. received an honorary Oscar .Died 25 December 1977 in Vevey.
Charlie Chaplin was an English and American actor and a film director. He was recognised as one of the best movie comedians and was awarded the Oscar three times. Charlie Chaplin was born in 16th of April, 1889 in London. The first time he performed on the stage in 1894 when he was 5 years old. In 1898 he performed as a part of a dance group but he leaved it in spring 1901. Charlie rarely attended his school, he worked as a newspaper seller, as a doctor`s assistant and as a typography clerk. In 1903 he got a regular job at the theatre and a part in the "Sherlock Holmes" play. In 1908 he became an actor in Carnot troup. In 1910-1912 he signed a contract with the "Keystone Film". In 1919 he founded his own stuio. In 1921 Chaplin travelled around Europe. But a silent movie brought him his fame. Chaplin directed his own movie "Limelight" in 1952. He was awarded the International Peace Prize in 1954 and he got his Oscar in 1972. Charlie Chaplin died in 25th of December in Vevey.
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