План по английскому языку на тему "как мы сходили в театр с классом".Очень срочно!!! ПОМОГИТЕ!!! Вот план: 1) В какой театр вы ходили 2) Актеры и актрисы, которые выступали в спектакле 3) Декорации на сцене 4) Костюмы участник...

План по английскому языку на тему "как мы сходили в театр с классом".Очень срочно!!! ПОМОГИТЕ!!! Вот план: 1) В какой театр вы ходили 2) Актеры и актрисы, которые выступали в спектакле 3) Декорации на сцене 4) Костюмы участников 5) Еффекты 6) Музыка 7) Сюжет и финальная сцена спектакля
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On Friday we have in the class was an unusual day, because the last three lessons canceled due to the planned trip to the theater. A few days before this teacher warned us that the spectacle that we see is called the "Pygmalion." She told us the ancient Greek myth of the legendary sculptor, fell in love with the statue he created Galatea. The strength of Pygmalion love was so great that the statue came to life.  Drama Theater greeted us with a muted rumble gathering spectators, bright light mnogolampovyh chandeliers and a sense of celebration. With excitement we expected onset of action. The performance was very instructive. In the role of Pygmalion in front of us appeared a scientist-linguist, who this month promised to turn the poor girl flower girl in fashionable lady. His idea was a success, however, being rude and arrogant, he felt no attachment to his "creation" does not feel responsible for fundamental changes in the life of a girl. The play showed how important it is to be a serious and indifferent when making important actions, especially if they relate to the fate of others.    We all really liked going to the theater. I would like to come here more often and see the performances of all genres. Still I wondered, really can be so wonderful to play, just like in life. This mysterious and fascinating world of high art can leave nobody indifferent.
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