Помогите очень нужно Earth — Земля (планета) land — земля (суша) soil — земля (почва) Вставьте нужное слово: 1) Mrs Wilier prepared the ... for the flowers. 2) Is the ... nearer to the Moon than Mars is? 3) The children planted...

Помогите очень нужно Earth — Земля (планета) land — земля (суша) soil — земля (почва) Вставьте нужное слово: 1) Mrs Wilier prepared the ... for the flowers. 2) Is the ... nearer to the Moon than Mars is? 3) The children planted the tulips in the ... . 4) "Water, water and water everywhere. When shall we see ...?" 5) Mr Parson is interested in the geography of the ... . 6) The captain wanted to walk on dry ... . 7) She planted the forget-me-nots in wet sandy .... 8) After working at sea for eight years, I got a job on ... .
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1.soil 2.Earth 3.soil 4.land 5.Earth 6.land 7.soil 8.land
1. Soil 2. Earth 3. Soil 4. Land 5. Earth 6. Land 7. Soil 8. Land
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