Помогите плиз! Срочно! Вставьте нужный артикль 1. Moscow is … capital of … Russian Federation. a) -, the b) the, the c) -,- 2… Paul McCartney is a famous English musician. a) a b) – c) the 3.Sue lives on Green Street in … ...

Помогите плиз! Срочно! Вставьте нужный артикль 1. Moscow is … capital of … Russian Federation. a) -, the b) the, the c) -,- 2… Paul McCartney is a famous English musician. a) a b) – c) the 3.Sue lives on Green Street in … London. a) - b) a c) the 4.V. Putin is … president of …Russian Federation. a) -,- b) the, - c) the, the
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1. the, - 2. - 3. - 4. the, -
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