Помогите подставить артикли a, an или the где требуется, пожалуйста. A: Did you know there's ... underwater park in Mexico? B: Yes. I read about ... park in ... travel magazine some times ago. A: Where are you going on holiday ...

Помогите подставить артикли a, an или the где требуется, пожалуйста. A: Did you know there's ... underwater park in Mexico? B: Yes. I read about ... park in ... travel magazine some times ago. A: Where are you going on holiday this year? B: I'm visiting ... friend in ... USA. A: That's ... great jacket that you're wearing! B: Thanks. I got it from ... nice shop in ... Oxford Street, in .. London. A: Where do .. Emperor Penguins live? A: Did you enjoy your trip to ... Solomon Islands? B: It was amazing! Our hotel room had view of ... Pacific! A: Emma is .. excellent musician. A: Do you know where I can find ... information? B: Well. when I was doing ... project on ... Alps. I came across ... interesting site on ... Internet. Let me chek if I stiil have ... name of ... site.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
A: Did you know there's an underwater park in Mexico? B: Yes. I read about .a park in a   travel magazine some times ago. A: Where are you going on holiday this year? B: I'm visiting a friend in the USA. A: That's a great jacket that you're wearing! B: Thanks. I got it from a nice shop in the Oxford Street, in .. London. A: Where do an Emperor Penguins live? A: Did you enjoy your trip to the Solomon Islands? B: It was amazing! Our hotel room had view of the Pacific! A: Emma is an excellent musician. A: Do you know where I can find an  information? B: Well. when I was doing an project on the Alps. I came across an ... interesting site on the Internet. Let me chek if I stiil have  s ... name of  this site.
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