Помогите пожалуйста 1. It's not (good, well) for you to smoke. 2. He often speaks (angry, angrily). 3. It isn't (bad, badly). 4. H

Помогите пожалуйста 1. It's not (good, well) for you to smoke. 2. He often speaks (angry, angrily). 3. It isn't (bad, badly). 4. He wrote his dictation (bad, badly). 5. This is quite (clear, clearly). 6. The weather is (cold, coldly) today. 7. This is a (comfortable, comfortably) chair. 8. The ice is (dangerous, dangerously). 9. My opinion of this book is (different, differently) from yours. 10. The children seem to be very (happy, happily). 11. The box is too (heavy, heavily). 12. She looked round (helpless, helplessly). 14. His voice is always very (quiet, quietly). 15. Do you (serious, seriously) want to go there? 16. It's a very (serious, seriously) thing. 17. Your answer isn't quite (exact, exactly). 18. I don't know (exact, exactly) when he will come. 19. The weather during the last few days has been (perfect, perfectly). 20. The work is done (perfect, perfectly).
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. good 2. angrily 3. bad 4. badly 5. clear 6. cold 7. comfortable 8. dangerous 9. different 10. happy 11. heavy 12. helplessly 13. предложение под номером 13 отсутствует, если напишете - отвечу 14. quiet 15. seriously 16. serious 17. exact 18. exactly 19. perfect 20. perfectly
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