ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА НУЖНО ПРАВИЛЬНО ПЕРЕВЕСТИ!!! я хочу рассказать о моей маме.Ее зовут Гаяне.Ей 38 лет.У мамы есть любимый муж и двое детей .Мама у меня очень красивая и мудрая в любой ситуации она дает совет.Моя мама вкусно г...
я хочу рассказать о моей маме.Ее зовут Гаяне.Ей 38 лет.У мамы есть любимый муж и двое детей .Мама у меня очень красивая и мудрая в любой ситуации она дает совет.Моя мама вкусно готовит особенно наши национальные блюда.У моей мамы было и хорошее и то же время сложное детство.Она пережила землетрясение в Армении.Мама всегда мечтает слетать куда нибудь на море.Когда я выросту на ее день рождение мы с ней полетим обязательно.Она заслуживает большего.Мама с отцом вместе уже 20 лет.История у них конечно необычная.В 17 лет они влюбились друг в друга год отец ухаживал за ней и берег для себя.Потом когда маме исполнилось 18 он пришел просить руки у ее отца.Но они ему отказали.А все потому что мама была дочерью генерала а отец просто продавцом молока.Но мой папа не сдавался.Он украл ее.Ночью он просигналил ей она скинула простыню и сбежала.Потом родители приняли их и все было как они хотели.Но им пришлось не легко.Когда мне было 3 года мы прилетели в Россию и прошли сложные времена.Отец у меня дольнобольщик и можно сказать мама растила нас двоих одна.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
I want to tell my mom. Her name Gayane. She was 38 years old. My mother has a beloved husband and two children. My mother is very beautiful and wise, in any situation, it gives advice. My mom prepares delicious, especially our national dishes. My mother was good and at the same time difficult childhood. She survived the earthquake in Armenia. Mom always wants to fly to somewhere at sea. When I grow up, for her birthday we had definitely fly. She deserves better. Mom and dad have been together for 20 years. The history they certainly unusual. In 17 years, they fell in love a year caring for her father and the beach to yourself. Then, when my mother was 18, he came to ask the hand of her father. But they denied him. And all because my mother was the daughter of a general, and his father a seller of milk. But my dad did not give up. He stole it. At night, he signaled to her she took off the sheet and ran away. Then the parents took them and everything was as they wanted. But they had not easy. When I was 3 years old we arrived in Russia and have been difficult times. My father dolnoboyschik and you can tell mom raised us two alone.
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I want to tell you about my mother .Her name is Gayane. She is 38 months . She had Have a favorite husband and two children .Mama I have a very beautiful and wise in every situation it gives sovet.Moya mom prepares delicious especially our national blyuda.U my mom was good and at the same time complex detstvo.Ona survived the earthquake in Armenii.Mama always dreams to fly on to something more.Kogda I grow on her birthday we had fly obyazatelno.Ona deserves bolshego.Mama with his father have been together for 20 years. The history of their course neobychnaya.V 17 years, they fell in love a year caring for her father and shore for sebya.Potom when my mother was 18, he came to ask for her hand in his ottsa.No they otkazali.A all because my mother was the daughter of General and his father just my dad seller moloka.No not sdavalsya.On stole ee.Nochyu he signaled her she took off the sheet and sbezhala.Potom parents took them and everything was as they hoteli.No they had not legko.Kogda I was 3 years old we arrived in Russia and have been complicated vremena.Otets dolnobolschik I can say my mother and raised the two of us alone.
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