Помогите пожалуйста с английским! Нужно вставить артикли, где необходимо. 1. “Have ... nice holiday!” — “Thanks! I will send you... postcard”. 2. I want to see ... new film. Let’s go to ... cinema. 3. That man is ... scientist....

Помогите пожалуйста с английским! Нужно вставить артикли, где необходимо. 1. “Have ... nice holiday!” — “Thanks! I will send you... postcard”. 2. I want to see ... new film. Let’s go to ... cinema. 3. That man is ... scientist. He graduated from ... university many years ago. 4. I like ... summer very much! ... summer is ... warmest season of ... year. 5. Did you have ... good time in ... country? No ... weather was bad and we couldn’t play ... outdoor games. 6. We spent last summer in ... Crimea. We had ... very good time there. 7. Mrs. Johnson invited ... lot of guests to ... birthday party. 8. When he was ... boy of 10, he sold newspapers in ... street. 9. How many days shall we travel about ... country?
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1) a,a 2) a,the 3) a, the 4) -, -, the,the 5) a, the, the,- 6) -, a 7) a, the 8) a, the 9)the
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