ПОМОГИТЕ, ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, С АНГЛИЙСКИМ. ЗАРАНЕЕ СПАСИБО)) Question 1 She ________________ wonderful today. was looking looks is looked looked Question 2 Excuse me, ________________ you tell me the way to the Houses of Parlia...

ПОМОГИТЕ, ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, С АНГЛИЙСКИМ. ЗАРАНЕЕ СПАСИБО)) Question 1 She ________________ wonderful today. was looking looks is looked looked Question 2 Excuse me, ________________ you tell me the way to the Houses of Parliament, please? is may must could Question 3 I would like some grapes for dessert. Will you buy ________________ ? them its they it Question 4 What colour are ________________ pens? those this thus that Question 5 They ________________ start selling the product in Hungary next year. are going going to going are going to Question 6 We could estimate and classify this material ________________ . themselves ourselves myself itself Question 7 Ann ________________ the article since morning. has translated is translating translates has been translating Question 8 Who ________________ after your elderly parents? looks does do look look Question 9 Next week we ________________ here for 2 years. shall have been have been will be are Question 10 ________________ you help me, please ? Could Must Should Might Question 11 She ________________ in the garden when I came. were working works had worked work Question 12 When you phoned me I ________________ a newspaper. am reading was reading have read read Question 13 ________________ book is this? what this who that Question 14 If I ________________ money I'll buy the book. had will have would have have Question 15 You ________________ going to have dinner there. is are was does Question 16 We wondered who ________________. he was was he he is is he Question 17 Did she ________________ her plan last month? fulfils fulfil fulfilled fulfilling Question 18 She has ________________ bread. many few much most Question 19 ________________ any exhibitions devoted to this anniversary organised in Russia? was did were is Question 20 You will not be able to speak English unless you________________ hard at it. won't work don't work work will work Question 21 A typist is someone who ________________ letters and reports. types is typing type are typing Question 22 Can you come on Monday evening? — Sorry, I'd love to but I________________ volleyball. was playing played am playing have played Question 23 You can buy ________________ clothes in this department. many a much a little Question 24 I have ________________ time, I can wait. few little many plenty of Question 25 She bought ________________ bread in the shop yesterday. a few few some a lot Question 26 When do you ________________? got up gets up get up getting up Question 27 ________________ news is very interesting in this journal. the many a few Question 28 We have a meeting at 5 o’clock, so you ________________ be on time. can will must would Question 29 The clock ________________ stopped. were has was are Question 30 When the academic year ________________ we shall go to the country. is over will be over be over will have been over Question 31 A young man asked if we ________________ students. shall be were are have been Question 32 ________________ project is the best in our group. her she hers its Question 33 This is the monument I told you about. There are a lot of flowers around ________________ . its them it him Question 34 Hurry up, the train ________________ in a minute. will be left was leaving has left is leaving Question 35 There isn’t ________________ sense in what you suggest. much many a few few Question 36 Who ________________ you my new phone number? gives give gave have given Question 37 They ________________ to take part in the competition. must be had to be should had Question 38 The news ________________ so pleasant, that she couldn't help smiling. were was is are Question 39 Where are ________________ parents? hi its them her Question 40 If my advice ________________, I’ll be so happy! help helps will help have helped
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Держи) Надеюсь, поможет, там что-то после 15 написано, но у меня не отображается почему то
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