Помогите пожалуйста выбрать наречие или прилагательное It was Lucy’s birthday and she was very 1) sad/sadly. She had been waiting 2) hopeful/hopefully all morning for the postman to arrive.3) Sudden/Suddenly, the letterbox ratt...

Помогите пожалуйста выбрать наречие или прилагательное It was Lucy’s birthday and she was very 1) sad/sadly. She had been waiting 2) hopeful/hopefully all morning for the postman to arrive.3) Sudden/Suddenly, the letterbox rattled 4) gentle/gently and an envelope fell 5) soft/softly onto the doormat. Picking it up, Lucy noticed 6) miserable/miserably that it was a bill. There were no cards, no presents and no 7) pretty/prettily bouquets of flowers. Lucy 8) near/nearly burst into tears. Just then, there was a 9) loud/loudly knock on the door. Opening the door 10) slow/slowly, Lucy saw all her friends holding11) brightly/bright wrapped gifts and shouting Happy Birthday. Lucy 12) immediate/immediately cheered up and greeted her friends 13) warm/warmly
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1) sadly 2) hopefully 3)Suddenly 4) gentle 5) softly 6) misarebly 7) pretty 8) nearly 9) loud 10) slowly 11) bright 12) immediately 13) warmly
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