Помогите, пожалуйстаа! Group the words into 4 categoties: N, V, Adj, Adv: excite, seriously, throat, immediately, cough, sneeze, recover, serious, blood, pain, silly, worry, tongue, swallow, hurt, nod, fall, examine, regularly...
Помогите, пожалуйстаа!
Group the words into 4 categoties: N, V, Adj, Adv:
excite, seriously, throat, immediately, cough, sneeze, recover, serious, blood, pain, silly, worry, tongue, swallow, hurt, nod, fall, examine, regularly, lung, chest, carefully, seldom
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
N: throat, cough, blood, pain, tongue, lung, chest,
V: excite, cough, sneeze, recover, worry, swallow, hurt, nod, fall, examine,
Adj: serious, silly
Adv: seriously, immediately, regularly, carefully, seldom
Вообще слова cough, sneeze, pain, swallow, hurt, nod - можно отнести и к сущ. и к глаголам
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