Помогите пожалуйста!Ex. 3 Заполните пропуски и задайте общие вопросы. 1. He … an elephant. 2. My friend … kind. 3. Her name … Mary. 4. She … a nice girl. 5. We … pupils. 6. His name … Tom. 7. I … seven. 8. Rex … brave and kind....

Помогите пожалуйста! Ex. 3 Заполните пропуски и задайте общие вопросы. 1. He … an elephant. 2. My friend … kind. 3. Her name … Mary. 4. She … a nice girl. 5. We … pupils. 6. His name … Tom. 7. I … seven. 8. Rex … brave and kind. 9. They … friends. 10. You … happy. 11. Her name … Bess. 12. She … nice and merry. 13. Her name … Jill. 14. She … seven. 15. He … a nice boy. 16. His shirt … nice. 17. Tim … slim and sad. 18. He … happy. 19. I and Tom … friends. 20. Nick … strong. 21. Tom … smart. 22. Mr Greenwood … nice. 23. His pet … funny. 24. Bob … strong. 25. It … black. 26. I … a pupil. 27. My friend … brave. 28. You … sad. 29. They … strong. 30. Pete … nine. 31. Our cat … five. 32. She … seven. 33. They … ten. 34. My name … Kate. 35. I … six. 36. My dog … grey. 37. His cat … black and white. 38. My pets … funny. 39. I … Dino. 40. My friend … strong and healthy. 41. Billy … fat. 42. We … in the park. 43. Crocodiles … green. 44. Pupils … lazy. 45. Tiny … kind and funny. 46. I … seven. 47. You … a pupil. 48. Tom’s birthday … on the 8-th of July. 49. Tom … from Great Britain. 50. My pets … funny. 51. The girl’s flowers … nice.
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is is is is are is am is are are is is is is is is is is are is is is is is is am is are are is is is are is am is is are am is is are are are is am are is is are are
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