Помогите правильно расставить Предлоги. 1. … summer we often go to the country … Sundays. 2. My school starts … eight o’clock … the morning. 3. Alice goes … the swimming pool … every Saturday. 4. When he took 2 notes … of his p...

Помогите правильно расставить Предлоги. 1. … summer we often go to the country … Sundays. 2. My school starts … eight o’clock … the morning. 3. Alice goes … the swimming pool … every Saturday. 4. When he took 2 notes … of his pocket he only saw 2 one-dollar notes. 5. My dad has come back … France. 6. … the 8th of March we celebrate Women’s Day. 7. There are a lot of attractions … Australia. 8. London stands … the Thames. 9. I have been learning irregular verbs … two hours. 10. We met … the café.
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сночало 3 5 1 2 4 7 9 8 6
1. during..on. 2. at...in. 3. to...-. 4. out. 5. from. 6. on. 7. in. 8. on.  9. for. 10. at. 
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