Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Has употреблять нужно только в третьем лице (he, she, it) (он, она, оно). Например: SHE has got a cat/у НЕЕ есть кошка.
Have - в остальных случаях и множественном числе.
YOU have got a book/у ТЕБЯ есть книга; THEY have got a book/у НИХ есть книга.
Суть заданий заключается в том, что при отрицательных формах ставятся частички not.
Have - have not. Has - has not. (сокращенно haven't/hasn't).
(Я пишу тут в полной форме, если хотите сокращать hasn't и haven't - пожалуйста).
А при вопросительных формах have (в данных предложениях) или еще какая-то частица выносится вперед, и не важно где она стоит, а остальная часть предложения так и остается.
1. Have I got a good job? I have not got a good job.
2. Have they got a daughter? They have not got a daughter.
3. Has he got a bussiness of his own? He has not got a bussiness of his own.
4. Has this family got a small hotel? This family has not got a small hotel.
5. Has she got two brothers? She has not got two brothers.
6. Have I got some doubts about it? I have not got some doubts about it.
7. Has she got a reputation? She has not got a reputation.
8. Have I got much work to do? I have not got much work to do.
9. Have we got a good office? We have not got a good office.
10. Has he got a big library? He has not got a big library.
11. Не видно начало предложения, вставьте потом что там стоит в начале вместо ???.
Has (???) got a excellent memory? (???) has not got an excellent memory.
12. Has she got a good sence of homour? She has not got a good sence of homour.
13. Has Ben got a dog? Ben has not got a dog.
14. Опять не видно. Вставьте после ??? то, что написано в начале.
Have (???) children got a pets. (???) children have not got a pets.
15. Has she got many duties? She has not got many duties.
16. Has he got an ubderstanding heart? He has not got an ubderstanding heart.
1. Have they got a country house? They have not got a country house.
2. Have I got a big family? I have not got a big family.
3. Has he got a fast car? He has not got a fast car.
4. Вообще не видно. Не понимаю.
They have got an important information что ли? Если так то:
Have they got an important information? They have not got an important information.
Если там she/he то пишите has.
5. Has she got interesting ideas? She has not got interesting ideas.
6. He's - это сокращение he has, иногда путают с he is, но когда идет he's got - запомните, это he has GOT, так как тут GOT уже как глагол, а he is got такого НИКОГДА не бывает.
Has he got many reletives in Moscow? He has not got many reletives in Moscow.
Фух, надеюсь что помогла, если что - спрашивайте. Удачи.
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