ПОМОГИТЕ СДЕЛАТЬ!!! Exercise 1. Give the plural of the following nouns. cap, task, port, pipe, lake; comb, pig, hand, song, tube, nam

ПОМОГИТЕ СДЕЛАТЬ!!! Exercise 1. Give the plural of the following nouns. cap, task, port, pipe, lake; comb, pig, hand, song, tube, name, meal, glove, room; day, letter, door, opera; country, city, duty, industry; life, leaf, shelf, loaf; potato, Negro, photo, zero; dress, bus, wish, rose, fox, page.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Caps  tasks ports pipes lakes combs pigs hands songs tubes names meals gloves rooms days letters doors operas countries cities duties industries lives leaves shelves loaves potatoes negro photo zero dresses buses wishes roses foxes pages
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