Помогите, умоляю за хороший ответ дам 20 баллов заполните пропуски, поставив правильный вариант ответа, очень прошу John is a … driver than Lucy. A. Good B. Best C. Better D. Gooder Question №16 Your dog ate my chocolate, … ? A...

Помогите, умоляю за хороший ответ дам 20 баллов заполните пропуски, поставив правильный вариант ответа, очень прошу John is a … driver than Lucy. A. Good B. Best C. Better D. Gooder Question №16 Your dog ate my chocolate, … ? A. Did it B. Didn’t you C. Is it D. Didn’t it Question №17 Watch out! A. It’s beautiful! B. It will start in an hour. C. It will fall. D. It is going to fall. Question №18 He … a new friend today. A. Met B. Made C. Has made D. Have made Question №19 Come here. Is … your pictures? A. This B. These C. That D. Those Question №20 There aren’t … children in the street. A. Any B. Some C. – D. A Question №21 Look, Bob. I’ve got something to … to you. A. Talk B. Tell C. Say D. Speak Question №22 I have been calling him all day. I wonder, where … A. Was he? B. Is he? C. He was? D. He is? Question №23 Can you give me some money? A. Why do you need them? B. No, I don’t. C. Yes, here they are. D. What for? Question №24 Oh, I’m late! I … leave now or I … miss the train. A. Shall, can B. Must, shall C. Must, will D. Should, will
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1)c 2)d 3)d 4)a 5)a 6)c 7)a 8)c 9)d 10)d
C, D, D, C, B, A, C, D, A, C Надеюсь верно
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