Помогите вставить артикли 1. You know, we are going to ... tea with ... Smiths today 2. ... cats are domestic animals; ... cat was domesticated many centuries ago 3. ... life is very difficult for ... unemployed these daus 4. ....

Помогите вставить артикли 1. You know, we are going to ... tea with ... Smiths today 2. ... cats are domestic animals; ... cat was domesticated many centuries ago 3. ... life is very difficult for ... unemployed these daus 4. ... people next door have invinted us over for ... drink 5. With ... area of only jist over 880 square miles ... Lake District attracted a milion visitors lact month
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1. a; the 2. The; a 3. The; an 4. The; the 5. an,; the (думаю так)
1  -/ the 2  -/ a 3  -/ the  4 -/a 5 the /-
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