Поставьте прилагательные и наречия в сравнительных конструкциях в нужную форму. 1. English football fans are ... than Italian /noisy. 2. Jack is the ...of my friends /weak 3. Football is ... than golf in Russia ...

Поставьте прилагательные и наречия в сравнительных конструкциях в нужную форму. 1. English football fans are ... than Italian /noisy. 2. Jack is the ...of my friends /weak 3. Football is ... than golf in Russia /popular. 4. Sports life of Russian people before the war is ... than after the war /active. 5. Walking is as ... for health as jogging. /good 6. Bodybuilding is not so ... for health as skiing. /beneficial 7. Hockey is as ... with Russian teenagers as football. / popular 8. The more you train the ... performance you show / good 9. Ronald is the .... forward in the team /fast. 10. Football is the .... popular of all ball games / much.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1.Noisier 2.the weakest 3.more popular 4.more active 5.good 6.beneficial 7.popular 8.the best 9.the fastest 10.the most
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