Пожалуйста, помогите....Ex.2. Fill in the correct form of Past Simple.1) When.......... (be) the last time you .......(tidy) your room?2) They.......... (go) to Malta last month.3) Yesterday we.......(cut) the grass, then we......

Пожалуйста, помогите.... Ex.2. Fill in the correct form of Past Simple. 1) When.......... (be) the last time you .......(tidy) your room? 2) They.......... (go) to Malta last month. 3) Yesterday we.......(cut) the grass, then we......(wash) the car. 4) When we........(go) to Europe last year we....(wash) the car. 5) They ...... (not/play) my favourite song at the concert yesterday. 6) The last time I ......(have) a haircut was two weeks ago. 7) My sister ....(make) a beautiful cake  yesterday and I ....... (cook) dinner. 8) Sally ..... (not/visit) her grandparents last Christmas, so she ........(write) them a letter. 9) Yesterday ..... (take) the camera with us, but we ........ (not/take) any pictures.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
was - tidy/tidied went cut - washed went - washed didn't play had made - cooked didn't visit - wrote took - didn't take
1) was , tided  2)went ,  3)cut ( не правильный глагол ) washed 4) went ( не правильный) , washed ( правильный глагол в past =5) did not  play  6) had ( не правильный) 7)made ( не правильный)cooked ( правильный глагол) 8)didnt visit , wrote отрицательная форма в past did not ( didnt) + infinitiv 9) took (не правильный) , didnt take ( читай выше=)
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